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  • Announcing the Web 2.5 Podcast

Announcing the Web 2.5 Podcast

Find us on Apple, Spotify, and More

We have some big news — we've launched a podcast.

Here's a bit more about the new show and how our content works together


Our weekly newsletter will continue to be a TLDR of the top news, content, musings, and memes at the intersection of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. It's the one email you need to catch up on all things timely in the world of Web 2.5. It drops on Thursdays.


Our weekly podcast is an interview-style show where I go behind the scenes with the leading movers and shakers in Web 2.5. It drops on Tuesdays.

I'll meet with executives running web3 inside big web2 companies – and the founders of web3 businesses leveraging traditional web2 partnerships, strategies, and technology. I'll meet the creators of new tools and products that bridge the gap between both worlds, the heads of agencies advising web2 brands on web3 strategy, and the creatives, investors, collectors, and more who have discovered new careers and new business opportunities by melding both worlds together.

With each episode, I hope you'll learn something new about the technology and how it's being used, be inspired by the people we meet and the stories they tell, and take away some practical tools and insights to bring back into to your personal or professional life.

Where to find our podcast: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more.